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Will the UK go on a total lockdown?

I believe a second and third wave will happen, probably and most likely around November/Dec. The flu months, people will be more close together, staying inside more, visiting more inside places. The only way for this to stop is some immunity/vaccine/antiviral drugs.

There will be a time when we will have to live alongside by side with this virus. There probably will be a local lockdown but not a national one, economically we cannot keep shutting the country, it’ll break any country.

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Saying that if people follow the guidelines, wear a face mask, wash their hands, cover their mouth by coughing into their elbow will go a long way to slowing it.

Once people look after their health, it’ll go a long way to slow this virus. If no vaccine then it’ll run through the population, but slowly does it as it’ll help our health and frontline services.

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