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The Most Happening Trends in Software Development

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If you are a technology buff then you might be well aware of how important it becomes when it comes to keeping oneself updated with the latest trends and this holds particularly true for all software developers. Software developers need to keep themselves well-versed with the ever-evolving software development trends so that they can chase the industry. This helps in securing one’s skills and ensures protection against degradation of skills.

If you are a writer and looking forward to submit a guest post then you are at the right place. The following trends have been in news in the software development field:

Artificial Intelligence

One thing that is gaining quite a lot of prominence and attention these days is Artificial Intelligence (AI). You can even submit blog post on this. This is for the sole reason that it has come to occupy an indispensable role in organizations and has transformed them a lot. From Machine Learning to the utilization of Artificially Intelligent Applications, industries are being transformed for good. The future of software development appears more promising with the usage of algorithms, sophisticated algorithms etc.

Cross-Platform Development Tools

When it comes to developing applications, developers in the past used to start from a single platform like iOS or android and developed different version for a different platform. In this process, a lot of resources needed to be devoted. Cross-platform development tools have made the lives of developers easier. Using Microsoft’s Xamarin or Google’s Flutter, developers can write apps that can work on almost every desktop and mobile platform. Also, these tools make use of native APIs and user interfaces that can help in building apps without compromising on the performance. You can submit a guest post or submit blog post on this.


This is the age of cryptocurrency wherein the base is blockchain.This is quite an interesting topic for all those who want to submit a guest post or submit blog post. Blockchain is decentralized which means that the data that is stored in its record can never be interfered by a hacker. The latest revolution in the field of software development, blockchain is being increasingly used by developers and implemented at the same time. For all those software developers looking out for decentralized and secure open-source solutions, blockchain based apps called distributed apps (dApps) are fast evolving as a popular option.


It seems that the day is not far when the internet of things (IoT) would be ruling us all. Everything is becoming smart through internet, be it a microwave or anything else. Wireless bandwidth and power efficiency have improved thereby opening a wider arena for IoT. The devices that are making use of the internet of things are making use of technology to keep a track of and even monitor the world. Owing to the rising popularity of IoT, software developers can foresee a great future using this skill.


One benefit of using websites is that they can be accessed from any browser or device. However, they cannot use platform-specific hardware. On the other hand, native apps can make use of hardware and software capabilities of native platform to reach their goals. Their demerit is that they are only available on the platform for which they were developed. Progressive web apps offer an app-like-experience in the browser and ensure performance and availability. Companies like Google and Adobe create progressive web apps.

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