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What is Blockchain Technology?

This is the case. Recently, my roommate Hasaki has been asking me about the blockchain and bitcoin. I tried a lot of different gestures to explain the blockchain technology to the simple and vivid image. But in the end, All failed.

So I came up with the idea of ​​writing a BlockChain for Babies (aka: How to explain the blockchain to your mentally handicapped roommate) in order to be able to understand the blockchain technology in a simple, intuitive and vivid way but want to know the block.

The person who is the chain introduces blockchain technology or bitcoin. Because the oriented readers do not want to know the specific technology implementation only want to understand the blockchain population, so this article avoids some underlying and algorithmic details, using a more subjective way to show the author's perceptual knowledge of blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology

If you are only interested in the blockchain, and don't plan to go deep into it, or just want to force it when someone else asks, this article should be a good "introduction." The overview blockchain is essentially a decentralized distributed ledger database: This term can be used in bitcoin-related blockchain applications, but blockchain technology may not include "books" "). It is itself a string of data generated using cryptography associations, each of which contains information that is validly confirmed by multiple Bitcoin network transactions.

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In the military operation, the Byzantine Roman Empire adopted the strategy of the generals to vote to decide whether to attack or retreat. That is to say, if the majority decides to attack, they will go up.

But if there is a spy in the army (for example, the general has deliberately voted against the water, or the commander rebelled to tamper with the military order), how can the results of the final vote really reflect the will of the loyal general? The Byzantine general problem is reflected in the field of information exchange. It can be understood that in a decentralized system, some nodes are broken.

They may broadcast wrong information or not broadcast information to the outside world. In this case, how to verify The accuracy of data transmission.

A blockchain is a distributed database (system) placed in a non-secure environment.

here are two main points here:

(1) Distributed,

(2) Non-secure environment.

First, this is a distributed, decentralized system. So, there is a central server or node, not a blockchain. Nodes are safe and malicious, and that's not a blockchain.

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By the same token, from an application perspective, if your application must use a central node (for example, to do deep learning with a supercomputer) or if it is not necessary to consider a node that is not secure (such as a sensor in a secure factory), then There is no need to consider blockchain technology.

As for the latter word "database", most mature blockchains are currently databases.

For example, bitcoin is a distributed ledger, and the books are actually data. Then, according to the format of the data, it can be divided into three types - 1, the data is completely irrelevant, but the consensus reached, there is no effective invalid point; 2, the data has some logical structure, such as a transaction, a transaction In fact, in addition to the amount, there are inputs and outputs, connected to the previous transaction, the data needs to be verified by logic (for example, in the transaction, the node needs to verify whether the input transaction is valid); 3, the data has Turing complete logic, and the verification When you need to use the power calculation through the nodes, each transaction can have different output and state. Each node needs to do more than just verify the authenticity of the transaction and the correctness of the input, and read it according to the logic in the transaction.

The value is checked and the result is verified. The Bitcoin system is the second type, also known as the distributed ledger; Ethereum is the third. The third can support smart contracts.

In the case of Bitcoin, 1, it is a completely decentralized system, 2, it is placed in a non-secure environment, it does not require all people using Bitcoin to be malicious.

In the world of blockchains, the act of recalculating is equivalent to placing yourself (nodes) on the same starting line and competing with all other nodes in the world for mining.

You will say that I have more powerful computing power, but I am sorry, the object of competition with you is not a node on Fifth Avenue, Nanjing West Road, Avenue of Champs Elysees, but a collection of all computing powers in the world. In this collection, the computing power you have is always a small subset. Therefore, according to the basic principles of blockchain computing power and minority obeying the majority, this concept will never be established.

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